Young Champions Leadership Camp

More about our Equestrian session:

Horse Riding is an interplay of Mental and Physical Endurance, Sense of Balance,Heaps of Patience, Sure-footed Confidence and Single-minded Focus - on part of the Rider. Your Young Champ can learn to ace the Art of Communication, understand facets of Body Language and importance of Soft Skillswhile interacting with an Equine companion, at our Young Champions Leadership Camp’s exquisite 'Equestrian Session'.

It commands Valor and Determination to lead a Horse. Through our Personality-sculpting Equestrian Guided Exercises, Young Champs can imbibe key Leadership Lessons like Empathy, Decision-making and acquire skills to face Obstacles and Challenges head-on, early in life.

Our Hoofed Grandeurs will teach your Champ exactly what they need to learn without wording it! Everything about Horse Riding can be impactful Life Lessons. Horses have a Never Give Upenergy and a demeanor of Poise about them, that your Champ can learn so much from, that too in the pristine greeneries of our natural Ranch habitat!

Find your Strengths – Uncover the Champion in You!

Children learn most from their Parents. But, when we flash our Debit and Credit Cards to buy stuff, do we exactly tell our budding beloveds that - One needs to put Money in the Bank first, to get it on the Card? Where does this Money come from? What Job, Career or Business Opportunities can Young Champs look forward to in the future? Can they Balance their Spending with Earning or afford a Self-sufficient existence later?

Young Champions Entrepreneurship Camp has taken pioneering steps in this regard to introduce your Champ to the real world - so that they can develop a strong sense of Self-Identity, learn to manage Financesearly-on confidently and avert possible Monetary Crunches as a grown-up!

  • Our "Strengths Explorer" Session will help your Champ discover and develop his/her Talents and find avenues to realize their true Potential in the Business World.
  • They will be introduced to basics of Starting a Business, Managing Cashflows and more, through a host of Interactive Worksheets, Roleplays and Games.
  • Their mindset will be paved towards creating new Job and Employment opportunities, to solve the pressing problems of the Globe.
  • They will be empowered to find their way around bumps and bruises thrown along, make lasting Friends, find their Fit-in, be Self-confident, manage Team Efforts to Success and give back to the Society!
Uncover the 

Become Self-employed & Learn Entrepreneurship

At our Camp, we introduce the concept of 'Self-employment' as a Profitable and Sustainable Route of living!! Our disruptive Network of Young Entrepreneurs act as Role Models, egg on Busines Discussions, deliver inspiring Workshops, and establish Peer Support for our Young Champs.

  • We provide ready Web-based, Multi-media Training Materials and Videos with Business, Communication, Numeracy and IT Curriculum, weaved in innovative methodology for 21st CenturyEntrepreneurship Education.
  • Your Champ can learn about key aspects of nurturing a Business Idea to fruition, outside the formal education system – such asHow to make a Business Plan, Target the Right Customer Type, use contemporary Digital Advertising mediums, create a Sales Platform, manage Busi ness Finances, handle Crisis situations with Creative Thinking, develop Negotiation and Pres entation Skills, sprout Enterprises to support Social Causes and more.
  • We Personalize our Entrepreneurship Dialogue, by probing our Young Champs with intro spective questions like - What Type of Entrepreneur am I? What Motivates Me? Etc.
  • Our Ranch-based Young Champions Entrepreneurship Camp also encourages Young Champs to creates Business Partnerships, find Sponsors, and undertake Crowdfunding activities etc.
Become Self-employed

Entrepreneurship via Agriculture

We develop your Champ’s love for Food, Organic Farming, and Sustainabilitytowards constructing a more robust and equitable food system for India.

  • Champ.Fit’s Entrepreneurship Training via Agriculture is our personal dream project at Champion’s Ranch. Being into Organic farming ourselves, we inspire Young Champs to tackle complex Business Challenges related to Agriculture like Information Delivery, Farm Management Practices, Mechanization, Capital Availability for Farmers and Food Crop Supply Chain Management - through interesting easy-to-understand Case Studies, Live Projects and Vivid Discussion Groups.
  • Your Young Champ will understand the importance of - creating Employment Opportunities in Rural sectors and encouraging Rural Youth to build Smarter, Community-oriented Agricultural Practices.
  • Your Young Champ will also have the exclusive opportunity to also learn Global Agricultural Technologies, through interaction with new-age Agri Start-ups in India,working on Hybrid Seeds, Geo-tagging, Satellite Monitoring, Farm Management Software, Projects!
Entrepreneurship via Agriculture

Thus, at our Visionary Young Champions Academy, Young Champs will learn to:

  • Manage a Business and its People! They’ll learn to explain their Goals and Processes in simple terms to colleagues. Provide respectful and direct feedback to Team Members.
  • Realize the advantage of being Self-sufficient. Theywill empower themselves with Real world Entrepreneurship Skills.
  • Learn the A-Zs of Business - Such as Growing Your own Vegetables to Cooking, Plating, Promoting and Presentation.Grasp the TEACHing Asset (Generation and Protection) via Agriculture.
  • Learn Marketing and Liability Management (Stock and Sales)
  • Leadership- Via Equine and Canine Engagement
  • Know Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication cues to lead Teams and stay ahead of Pack Mentality.
  • And lastly, know how to get things accomplished!! Not just start, but get itDone!



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